Monday, October 31, 2011

Social Network Rebellion

The world today is no longer the same 20 years back. It has changed over the years so does the technology. The new media created new ways of communication. Social networking makes is it easier to communicate to one another from any part of the world as well it contributes to the politics.


  •     Communication with anyone and anywhere
  •          Meet new people, make new friends
  •          Increase of knowledge
  •          Builds self-esteem

  •          Loss of privacy
  •          Very small control over information flow
  •          Ability for someone to use the information about you
  •          Unprotected communication which may harm individuals

I believe the aids provided by social network sites such as Facebook have made us better off as a society and as individuals. And now we can see an increase in the use of the internet in the politics and social life. Political meetings, voting, comments, rally are organized via Facebook and Twitter these days.

Social networking in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and Arab culture has given the people a voice. People use the medium to vice out their perceptions and problems through it. Since internet is a very powerful tool even the government itself feels threatened.  The reading this week emphasizes internet is democracy. Morozov also mention that internet can be effective tool used by the government to create the organizations. I believe that mass media especially new media grant people power to against dictatorship. He also mentions the negative site of internet freedom. He told this after he has done research on the myths of social revolution. Today, we experience a feeling of isolation when our Internet connections go down, revealing just how dependent we’ve become on the connective power of the web. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Dark Site of Internet

Hackers, and Dark Site Of The Net

Who are hackers and what do they do? Hackers are people who breaks into peoples computer without their knowledge and delete, edits and even installs things without the ones permission. Usually hackers hacks ones computer, email, website to steal information and passwords without their knowledge.

Hacking = Unlawful use of computer & network properties

The author has mention a few things on this week reading called "Civic Hacking". Where the author tries to emphasis that people are not interested on politcs or moving politics on online. It is one of the topic that less interest them. I agree that if the person is not online how do we aspect or know it for sure that the person will reply our mail. I would like to share a personal story on this. Two weeks back I was sick and I was in  bed. One of my classmates asked all of us to send our personal pictures to her email to make a book with sticky notes for a lecturer who is leaving the country. Since I was not able to go online and check my facebook message I did not get message. The next day I was told by my peers that my picture and note was not on the book because I fail to send her one.  These shows how important does the media plays and takes control of our lives these days.

Well there are many arguments that hacking is legal or illegal issue. One side hacking is legal because it used as a hacking tool to test the security of a network or pc etc. In the illegal side criminals used to steal information, passwords, make free calls or use free internet. I would say Wikileaks is an impeccable example to show the relation between hackers and authority.  Personally, hacking is good for democracy. The author also mention that hacking is an e-democracy activity, it is does not help democracy within entire political system, which means hacking only does matter to online civilians who interested in politics . the author also said that
‘if you are not interested on politics, electronic politics will not help”.
According to his argument, it is not necessary to punish hackers because they are target to small group of civilian. Which is just a small group of them in our society.

Types of Hacking

Website Hacking    : This term denotes as to Collapses the information from any website to be hacked and Make changes in the information on this website.

Email Hacking        : This term denotes as to collect business data and private information stored in email of any person.

Network Hacking      : This term denotes to hack a network.

Password Hacking :This term denotes to hack any password protected data by guess password with password hint.

It is a non profit organisation that reveals secrets and hidden messagges.Wikileaks' activities have earned it praise from some free-speech quarters and harsh criticism, or worse, from a variety of national and institutional interests.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


The term Citizen Journalism  refers  to  a  wide  range  of  activities  in which everyday people contribute information or interpretation about news events.

The public is doing it. There are many sites that are used by the non professional journalist to contribute their news such as the Cyberjournalist, Nowpublic and etc. Besides that Wikis, Blogs, Forums, Photo and Video Sharing Websites, Online Journal, Online Diary are used to report or share their news and commentary.

The citizen journalist uses a range of technologies such as digital audio and video, online tools for posting and accessing stories, one can submit aor edit the content if necessary. The journalist uses Flickr Photos or YouTube videos  to support their story content. The use of Wiki’s and online editing tools  and some othe applications that ius convenient and easy to be used to reach the mass audience to link to online resourses are used.

The  content might be inaccurate, offensive, or otherwise lack credibility. And the trustworthiness of reporting might therefore result in a loss of confidence in the news. This because the news can be edited and rewrite.

These dialog is an example of people misunderstands the concept of citizen journalism. They think that whatever that is on online news is lack of credibility.

In the  reading Dr Axel Bruns had open me to view things differently. He mentioned in his article that the role of journalism has been constantly changing over the years. News are spread and reported differently. And we as the audience receive the news in different way too. The reason why it changes because of the advancement of the new  which now creates new opportunity for users to become prosumers. He states that "journalistic content is being overtaken by a flotilla of alternative options". These helps us to accesses information at anywhere and anytime of the day. He also mentioned that news that was delivered to readers are based on worthiness of the news and attention grabbing.

Lastly I would say that the traditional media has been changed since the new media has taken over and it is much more convenient easier to acessess. Not only that the New media gains greater audience too.

Note: We can actually find interesting and amazing stories. The iReport feature on is a website caterred for people who wants to become citizen journalist. We can post what is happening around them and interact with other people about their own story or stories of others.