Wednesday, September 28, 2011



Above is an example of how the internet has made it stress-free to share information and copy with less cost. At times we do not even have to pay for the cost. Kevin Kelly has discussed it in his article 'when copies are free, you need to sell things which cannot be copied’. I would say with the internet connection we are able to perform better now in terms like once information which are sold in a book can now be Google or downloaded on the computer. We do not have to spend hundreds and thousands to purchase the book. This makes things harder for writer or publisher to make money from the information they provide to the society which is now FREE.I think people need to find away from letting people to get information for free or else they be doing badly in the business.

Shriky discuses about weblogs affect the ways of publishing written works and influence the ways we generate income by using weblogs in her article. Weblogs simply means information can be written by the site owner or contribute by the users. It consists of series of entries arranged in reverse chronological order, often updated on frequently with new information about particular topics.

Mass amateurization means that one can reproduce and distribute the written work worldwide without any cost or low cost. It becomes a disadvantage to the publisher or producer of the original work. And the information after reproducing is not as reliable or maintains the quality of the original work because there no editors or porters to sieve it.

  •   A powerful tool for educators                        
  •   Share information with no cost
  • No doorkeepers to sieve info
  • Can voice out personal voice
  •   Reach wider audience
  •   Can make money with blogging
  •     Mostly free service
  •    No barriers for publications
  •     Exposure
  •     Knowledge
  •   New opportunities
·        Laziness which contributes to health problem
·        Weak eye sight
·        blogs are easy to start and hard to maintain.
·        Some information are unrealiable
·        Lack of quality
·        There is no confidentiality as it is a public forum

Hey peeps please do let me know whats on your mind ?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What is Convergence Culture?

CONVERGENCE [Coming Together]

What does convergence means? It simply means different media merging together and incorporating new personalized services.

Wireless internet or a software platform like Android is an example of technology convergence. It is a set of devices contains similar technology used in multiple devices.

Netflix, Pandora is an example of Media convergence. Media convergence is when content and information is melded into multiple devices or touch points. The content and interactions between (smartphone vs. big screen TV, etc.)  often responds appropriately to the context.

Examples of activity convergence are Email and Browsing the Internet. Activity convergence allows users to perform activity regardless of the device.

In the reading, Henry Jenkins defines convergence culture as the place where new and old media combining. Consumers are encouraged to seek information from multiple media sources and this has change in the way the media is used by an individual. Jenkins explains with the help of new technology we are able to connect to one another when convergence occurs. At the end of the reading Jenkins discusses how the media is used to create new worlds that the audience was not expecting and it is called Trans media storytelling which refers to convergence culture.

It's quite amazing how connected we are to media outlets throughout the day. We check our Facebook, twitter, email at least twice a day? The convergence culture is very prominent these days. Over the years we can see how amazingly the media has evolved and shifted.  I can’t believe I would be blogging online, passing up my assignments online for a university assessment. Times have definitely changed.

Henry Jenkins states that Convergence does not mean the new replacing the old, but  the new and old merges together and creates a new dimension. We can already see the indication of it now. The video below is an example of convergence.

I can’t imagine a life without my phone.  I am 24 hour glued to my phone. Every single thing I feel I am dependent on my phone for information. I realize wethere for information, leisure or entertainment I bank on on my phone. It is like my twin. These show how the media have advanced over the years. Those days’ phones are used only to call and send text message. Now it is used to browse, social networking, entertainment, plays games, seek information, map, Email, market share, calendar, camera navigation, latitude, news& weather, etc.

What does convergence mean to you?
 Please do let me know in the comments below!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

What does Copyright Do?


Copyright is an exclusive right given to the creator. It acts as an incentive for authors. Is a form of protection of the ‘original work’ If we wish to borrow the source idea from the author we have to seek for permission before we can do so. Only after the permission is granted we are able to use it because all the words lyrics belongs to the authors.

Remember copying someone else works directly, indirectly or accidentally is a criminal offense. For example, if a student is using an author’s/ scholar idea to complete your assignment, one is entitled to give a fully-documented reference to the work of others.

This week’s readings and lecture were on the issue of intellectual property and content control. From my understanding after reading and hearing the lecture I would say the reason why intellectual property right were introduced to produce more talented authors, artist  to keep producing and make people to write  more books, music, lyrics, animation, advertisements, paintings, movies, etc. for the benefit of the society. It also encourages individuals to create more things amazingly.

One of the Advantages of copyright is that the author is the only person can decide how he/she wants to distribute the work at certain period of time. Besides that this be like a reward and motivation to the author which will make them want to write and deliver more work. However copyright law is not forever, after certain period of time it expires. But the expiry date for a work is extended for very long time almost 95years. I feel by giving a very long expiry date only makes them subsist on the old work rather than producing new materials. The reason why the copyright expires because only then author will want to produce more work which will benefit the society rather than relying on the same work. 

However there is negative effect on the creation and distribution of intellectual property. As to the Disadvantage of copyright there are not many materials contributed to the public domain because it takes a very long time to expire. Besides that there are many limitations. Let say if one wants to see or use this work to create a new dimension or work you can’t simply use it. You have to go through many procedures and get permission from the author.

                                   A brief illustration on how Copyright Law works.

I personally feel that if there is no intellectual property than we will have a world without new books, songs, movies, advertisements, education, software’s, games etc. I am very sure that every one of us has download music, movies, and games for free from the internet. But we all are taught that doing so is wrong.  The reason why teenagers like us download for free from the internet because the DVD and CD are really expensive. I would suggest that artist and authors should price it reasonably to avoid piracy.In conclusion copyright preserves the authors work and gives credit.

In my opinion if you want piracy to stop then they should stop making programs and devices to copy with?? CAN THEY?