Thursday, September 8, 2011

What does Copyright Do?


Copyright is an exclusive right given to the creator. It acts as an incentive for authors. Is a form of protection of the ‘original work’ If we wish to borrow the source idea from the author we have to seek for permission before we can do so. Only after the permission is granted we are able to use it because all the words lyrics belongs to the authors.

Remember copying someone else works directly, indirectly or accidentally is a criminal offense. For example, if a student is using an author’s/ scholar idea to complete your assignment, one is entitled to give a fully-documented reference to the work of others.

This week’s readings and lecture were on the issue of intellectual property and content control. From my understanding after reading and hearing the lecture I would say the reason why intellectual property right were introduced to produce more talented authors, artist  to keep producing and make people to write  more books, music, lyrics, animation, advertisements, paintings, movies, etc. for the benefit of the society. It also encourages individuals to create more things amazingly.

One of the Advantages of copyright is that the author is the only person can decide how he/she wants to distribute the work at certain period of time. Besides that this be like a reward and motivation to the author which will make them want to write and deliver more work. However copyright law is not forever, after certain period of time it expires. But the expiry date for a work is extended for very long time almost 95years. I feel by giving a very long expiry date only makes them subsist on the old work rather than producing new materials. The reason why the copyright expires because only then author will want to produce more work which will benefit the society rather than relying on the same work. 

However there is negative effect on the creation and distribution of intellectual property. As to the Disadvantage of copyright there are not many materials contributed to the public domain because it takes a very long time to expire. Besides that there are many limitations. Let say if one wants to see or use this work to create a new dimension or work you can’t simply use it. You have to go through many procedures and get permission from the author.

                                   A brief illustration on how Copyright Law works.

I personally feel that if there is no intellectual property than we will have a world without new books, songs, movies, advertisements, education, software’s, games etc. I am very sure that every one of us has download music, movies, and games for free from the internet. But we all are taught that doing so is wrong.  The reason why teenagers like us download for free from the internet because the DVD and CD are really expensive. I would suggest that artist and authors should price it reasonably to avoid piracy.In conclusion copyright preserves the authors work and gives credit.

In my opinion if you want piracy to stop then they should stop making programs and devices to copy with?? CAN THEY?


  1. Hi Meg :)

    I personally think that the programs and devices to copy materials from the original sources are developed by the users who have the intention to copy these materials. Technology is dominating our society today and individuals are constantly equipping themselves with more skills and knowledge on technology in order to adapt themselves with the society's pace. Thus, in my opinion, companies have to incorporate new, personal skills to control the distribution of their content.

    I agree with coming out with both valuable and affordable products for the users. Instead of enforcing all kinds of regulations on the users, which had develop a kind of negative impression of the individuals toward the companies. This would result in a rebel attitude and it would be harder for companies to reinforce the loyalty of the users in the future in supporting their products.

    Have a great weekend! :)

  2. hey Su Wern,
    I totally agree with you that enforcing all kinds of regulations will just make these people to do more because they are unsatisfied. they are unsatisfied because they cant afford to purchase it. with the advancement of technology only get to discover new things but we face a lot more of issues on privacy, piracy, hackers,leaks and many other problems.
