Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Big Fight - Apple Vs Google

The reading this week is about the history of Android and Google is really attention-grabbing I would say. In today’s market we can see there is a battle going on between these two brands. With this new technology both trying to compete with each other to stay ahead in the market with coming out with new technologies and devices to gain their customer and increase their companies revenue.

I would say Apple is a consumer electronics company where else Google is an advertising company. Apple blocks apps that encourage illegal activities automatically and it is done by the App store team.

Apple is "deeply committed" to protecting consumers' privacy, and Apple does not share personally identifying information with third-party vendors without explicit consumer agreement. Apple's management style, on one hand, is as simple as it comes: namely, that when it comes to making any final decisions the buck stops squarely at the desk of one man, and one man alone.... Steve Jobs

This week article focuses on smartphones which are introduced since 1998 and tablets battle. Consumer these days are carried away with the new technologies and devices. Companies and schools are encouraging the use of IPad which will make things easier and faster. I would say the society today is more dependent on all this software and new media these days.

I would say Apple is definitely far superior at creating products that are visually pleasing, and in today’s society, people want stuff that looks good and convenient. It should not be a burden or bulky. Apple have certainly beaten not only Android devices, but basically every other technology devices that exist today in the market. Besides that the competitive nature between Apple and Google is mutually beneficial which a great thing I would say is. Both companies promote each other by just being in competition. These will benefit us because we will have more choices and there be new invention which will make our life much easier.
Have a look peeps at this video. It is indeed a very interesting video regarding the competition of both the devices. Have good day!!


  1. hi meg,
    nice video and nice post you have,
    I don't know why most of the video Android against Apple, and android always the winner..

    Anyways, currently this 2 big companies are a big competitor among the rest, there are no one is better, I would say both they have their own market, can't compare. But I will say apple also have Google application, we need Google search engine somehow, but we not necessary to have an Iphone right, we getting used to Google it all the time.

  2. Hey Siew Mun,
    Its very true that most of the videos and blogs are on Android and its against Apple. I strongly agree with you that both the companies have their own market and they are special in their own way!! I would say both are equally important and convenient software to use.

  3. I agree with you that Apple is winning by leaps and bounds. Go Apple! :D I for one, although do not like the idea of paying so much for technology (or getting something Android that gives me the same function) it has revolutionized the products that we use today. It was made the experience of using a device an enjoyable one, and made life convenient for us by their extensive research on product design and manufacturing.

    Android too, is doing a good job. It has allowed other users who do not want an apple product options and choices, while having almost the same functions and opportunities of earning a smart phone. The competition has made two companies grow in strength. This is lead to innovations, better creations, more job opportunities and major stake in the smart phone industry. I believe they are co-operating in competition, which is beneficial and good for both producers and consumers.
