Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What happens when Objects having the same value as human???

After 13 weeks of Blogging on Globalization and Internet, I realize how important Internet is and we have become more dependent upon it as we move into the digitally connected future. Every "thing" is somehow connected in cyberspace and happens to link up for us when go online.
This video, which I highly recommend you all watching, sums it up nicely:

The video above speaks about how the world is getting smarter because of the existence of internet. INTERNET has made us more to be more creative and made things easier as well convenient. These video emphases on intelligence, knowledge and information.  Google is a search engine which provides information that we need. But do we as the user know how to filter information and knowledge apart. From these video I also realize one day everything we do on the earth, where, what and with who will be informed and gained from the internet. The internet is able to track it. That shows how powerful the tool has become.

I realize how dependent we are towards online after watching the video and how all the things in our daily life are incorporated with the internet. It is a good think we are able to gain knowledge from the internet But I think it is disadvantage because we are getting evolve in it and it takes control of our life. For example Facebook was involved in private issue. I would say I thought Facebook can be privatized and my information’s in need is private but I am wrong. Whatever it is at the end of the day there are some loop hole where the users are able to break in and gain the information.

For me when reading the article by Bleeker, which is the last reading of the week, it scares me that how the world would be when objects becomes citizens and have life just like us. It will start sharing things with us and want to live a life just like us. Nothing be private anymore in our life everything be revealed and circulated by this crazy objects.

I would like to share a Tamil movie which highlights this issue by Tamil industry superhero Rajinikanth in the movie called Enthiran. In this movie we can see how physical object and robot created in lab having the same value as human and how does it impact the mankind value of life. I think it is an interesting movie and would like every one of us to watch it. To have a little idea how things would be when objects are given life and value as human.
You can the full version of the movie with English subtitle online on YouTube. Have fun watching the movie peeps and you will have better understanding.

1 comment:

  1. hi, meg.

    I prefer you to be my friend but not the objects...

    How advance is the objects in the future, but still I believe they can't understand how we feel and think.
