Friday, August 26, 2011

Media Usage in Business


Hitherto in a short amount of time, the society also has grown dependent on digital networking as part of their day to day routine. Actually I would say that it more like minute to minute we live with the media.

The Melissa Gregg reading discussed the shortfall in 'communication processing' labor whereby the immaterial labour of checking and processing emails for example, became an additional and unpaid task willingly taken on by workers.  Gregg states that communication processing was taken on in 'addition' to the usual material tasks and that the material tasks didn't reduce in any way.  With the digital networking we are unable to rest physically or mentally(Drawbacks), these because even after getting home from work our phone constantly rings. If he does not ring we feel insecure or and we will go online to check our mails to see if there is any pending work or problem. It has become a nature of job that one should check the emails and keep track.

Well, with the growth of the new media we are working longer hours but it is framed as independence and choice rather than being systemically imposed upon us. I would say with the improvement and advancement of the new technology made our working hours longer. Even we are not in the office we are still working constantly from the time we are up till we go to bed. Example, when I was interning in a local newspaper as a journalist I am required to leave my phone on 24 hours and check my mail every night at 11pm before I got to bed. The reason why I’m required to check my mail daily to know the  next day assignment and to read the details of the case before I actually go to work . I would say the digital network plays a very BIG role in a newspaper company from my experience and understanding.


The internet plays a very big role in the business environment these days. It helps to create opportunities. Based on Peter Bradwell reading he stated that the role of network citizens and the responsibility at work. He also mentioned that technology revolution is benefit for companies. Service and knowledge-based work substitute physical industrial work has been engaged in modern society. WHY? Because companies can offer information, services and put also put up goods for sale. It makes the customers life easier and convenience. They provide door to door service. All one has to do is do the payment via internet and the next moment you will see the good lying in front of your door step. 

It's amazing how much the internet has benefited basically every facet of what we do because Information Does Not Sleep and we are able to access it at any time of the day from anywhere of the world. Since we are all are connected through the digital network, communication has become a lot easier and less effort is needed. With the email system and groups, we can instantly post the meetings date, venue and time. It makes our work load a lot more stress-free and systematized.

From my opinion I think if the worker does not get enough rest and constantly on the go he/she will not be able to perform well and the company will suffer the consequences. Therefore I think every one of us should get enough rest.

Can you imagine what life will be without a secure cyberspace, phones will go silent, economy will be affected and the most disturbing we will not be able to connect with Facebook or twitter.??!!

Monday, August 22, 2011


History of Computing

In 1900 computing was a career, the person who is tabloid numbers and information was called computer. Where else in in World War2, was creating massive building size computer to figure out the enemies activity to save the world. In the late 60’s till today we can see it has grown all the way like a mountain. The idea was to create desktop computer for individual user. Today we have passed over 1 billion internet users and soon it be 1 trillion and etc. Computing is not in the computer but it’s all around us today. People are in the information. It creates a whole new industry.

 Based on the journal "Open Cultures and The Nature of Networks" by Felix Stalder
The author was trying to emphasis that joined atmosphere (network) which is connected to information and its call nodes.  It’s a community build through the computer.  Nodes are combination of information from different sources. Its new things are introduced beyond borders. The information is free of charge and faster.

Fundamental points of Information Ecology

Nodes are like human beings there are interconnected with one another. Each node is connected to another node which creates a network. Computer can be a node and other device such as scanner, printer etc. Without the flow and nodes coming together there be no information flowing.
Change (Modification)
New flows of information can change everything (Postman, 1992). The interdependence of the nodes means that information can travel through the whole environment and, according to the way it is reshaped in each node, it grows or decreases in relevance and speed. It simply tells us that things will change the years and we have accept it and change accordingly. New flows can change in a good perceptive or vice versa. At the end of the day the end user has the control on how to shape it.

Time boundless
Various types of social networks are rapidly increasing in numbers such as twitter and Facebook. For example celebrities gave a new life twitter on wanting their fans to follow them.  Therefore time is no more a factor in the ecological community because information is moving as quickly as human are.

Differentiation (Variation)
In the article Stadler mention that, the difference between the node and the flow and among the nodes, is the basis upon which the flows are redirected, new connections are established and old ones maintained. Nodes are struggling and developing just like we struggling to keep ourselves update with the current trend. For example, we do not even know what Facebook is few years ago, but now we are well verse with it and even a day without facebook we feel we are backdated or left behind. Same goes with nodes they form a network to spread their information and later move on to another and another. It goes on like a cycle. We have to be careful because sometimes once a new context is established the old context be destroyed and we be empowered by it.

Speedy Questions

What is the beauty of internet?
We can be any part of the world and  at any time sharing information across the globe
without actually being there.

Does media affect female audience?
YES, the media is always telling to be skinny and have curves and it’s not okay being

Friday, August 19, 2011



What is Cyberspace? Where does all the information fed into computers actually go? Does it just remain in the air between your computer, mine and others!! I am sure you must be wondering and asking these questions yourselves when you were younger or when you were less connected to the internet.
Cyberspace - It’s a cybernetic space where people form new communities for networking, learning, socializing and sharing of interest with the use of computer network.
                                                “Interconnecting Medium.”

John Perry Barlow stated that we are creating a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force, or station of birth. We are creating a world where anyone anywhere may express his or her beliefs, no matter how singular, without fear of being coerced into silence or conformity...There is no status, race, religion, poor or rich issue in the virtual life. Anyone and everyone may enter and enjoy it’s benefits.
According to ‘Information Ecology’, it states that “people are becoming virtual but virtually all human actions rely, in varying degrees, on digital information networks.” ( Stalder, 2005).  With cyberspace, we are able to live life fully and make things easier and hassle free. It saves time, energy and money. Without digital network, we will be backdated and lacking in knowledge. We will not be able to transmit or share information with one another.
Our life has transformed and we only realize when we stop for a second and look at how different it is from ten or even five years ago. We started off by sending message through a bird and now we are using the wireless connection to send a text. It shows how the media has grown rapidly. With the internet new things are introduced and Free Flow of information (FASTER). The global dialog has developed with the tools such as instant messaging, Facebook and twitter was first alien to humans at the beginning of the era.

EXAMPLES of Communication channels that have changed our daily lives


Back then newspaper was the main resource and media to get information/news. Now we can retrieve our news from the online portal or new archive. News is more social these days,but the older generation still considers the newspaper as the main media to get their news. This is because it is a habit and we can’t change it.

How We Meet and Stay in Touch???
People meet up at the cafes and restaurants to keep in touch and do business. And time we use to travel from one place to another place which is troublesome, expensive and time consuming. Now it is easier to interact and communicate with people who share same interest through the media, such as following people on Twitter, Tumbler and Facebook.

NOTE: I don’t deny that there are some negative effects of the invention of the internet. It’s an instrument and can be used for good or bad purposes.

Happy Friday Folks!!! 
 Happy Friday Folks!!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

We are an Ingredient of the Social Network Culture

From my understanding social network simply means sharing their experience and knowledge in a trouble-free way. Technologies we have may lead and determine the life we have now. As we see an age bracket becoming more reliant on the ability to network with one another day by day
 It is FAST, RELIABLE and EFFICIENT. It helps to spread and expands knowledge, information and gives orders worldwide. Therefore I strongly disagree with Manuel that we live in a network society because it is a vehicle for information coming from all around the world.
These days everyone belongs to a social network. Every one of us does something to feel belong. Social networking is everywhere. People spend more than an hour a day posting pictures, messaging, tweeting through their phone, Lap top and so on just to feel belong in the society.
Social networking is prepared so that even those who least knowledge on how to use the media can enjoy online socializing by sharing their experience and things going on their live daily. It expands your friend’s circle which might help you to interact with them from any part of the world you are. You can shed light on all your doubts with your friends/lecturers/ and can even lend your hands from charity or social works.
Manuel Castell mention in his journal that civil society is reconstructed at the local and global level through networks of activists often organized and debated over the internet, which form and reconfigure depending on issues, on events, on moods, on cultures.
The reason why activists uses the internet to spread news because keeps one up to date, uses the uncensored nature of the internet to bypass state controlled news media. These the only way the activists can reach the mass without an influence of the government.
For instance, the office phone system with extensions can be measured a network. With such a system, if an employee has a query, rather than shouting it down the hall or leaving their workstation and walking over to the other employee. Rather, they merely pick up the phone and ask.
In conclusion I would say that people could work smarter if people were connected better. And we are an ingredient in social networking.
Advantages of Social Networking from my understanding
v  Networking can develop your career prospects
        Example: One can expand acquaintance and having all these contacts organized and can make network    maintenance less time-consuming.
v  Improves the flow of communication
Example: It increases the course of communication between students and tutors which helps to improve both relationship and education.
v  Contribute to various point of analysis
          Example: If a student does not understand on something, he or she can post it on the blog or facebook for feedbacks. This can help one to look at things from different angles and gives a better understanding.
Have great weekend Folks!!! Cheers... ;)