Friday, August 19, 2011



What is Cyberspace? Where does all the information fed into computers actually go? Does it just remain in the air between your computer, mine and others!! I am sure you must be wondering and asking these questions yourselves when you were younger or when you were less connected to the internet.
Cyberspace - It’s a cybernetic space where people form new communities for networking, learning, socializing and sharing of interest with the use of computer network.
                                                “Interconnecting Medium.”

John Perry Barlow stated that we are creating a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force, or station of birth. We are creating a world where anyone anywhere may express his or her beliefs, no matter how singular, without fear of being coerced into silence or conformity...There is no status, race, religion, poor or rich issue in the virtual life. Anyone and everyone may enter and enjoy it’s benefits.
According to ‘Information Ecology’, it states that “people are becoming virtual but virtually all human actions rely, in varying degrees, on digital information networks.” ( Stalder, 2005).  With cyberspace, we are able to live life fully and make things easier and hassle free. It saves time, energy and money. Without digital network, we will be backdated and lacking in knowledge. We will not be able to transmit or share information with one another.
Our life has transformed and we only realize when we stop for a second and look at how different it is from ten or even five years ago. We started off by sending message through a bird and now we are using the wireless connection to send a text. It shows how the media has grown rapidly. With the internet new things are introduced and Free Flow of information (FASTER). The global dialog has developed with the tools such as instant messaging, Facebook and twitter was first alien to humans at the beginning of the era.

EXAMPLES of Communication channels that have changed our daily lives


Back then newspaper was the main resource and media to get information/news. Now we can retrieve our news from the online portal or new archive. News is more social these days,but the older generation still considers the newspaper as the main media to get their news. This is because it is a habit and we can’t change it.

How We Meet and Stay in Touch???
People meet up at the cafes and restaurants to keep in touch and do business. And time we use to travel from one place to another place which is troublesome, expensive and time consuming. Now it is easier to interact and communicate with people who share same interest through the media, such as following people on Twitter, Tumbler and Facebook.

NOTE: I don’t deny that there are some negative effects of the invention of the internet. It’s an instrument and can be used for good or bad purposes.

Happy Friday Folks!!! 
 Happy Friday Folks!!!


  1. Hey Meg, a short and simple post - you did an amazing job summarizing it up! :) I couldn't have done it myself haha.

    I agree with everything you mentioned about how we are interconnected with our digital information networks, communication and whatever we do when we're not on any sort of media. What used to be a far-fetch idea of communicating with people at the other side of the world is now almost always effortless and convenient.

    Besides what you mentioned that we can stay ahead with the news and keeping in touch - I think internet has given everyone a chance to be a student, providing it with endless information that is easily accessible. For civilization to be fully civilized, I think this is one of the many ways it has contributed to our learning and education. Internet and fast interconnectivity as also open up borders and allowed globalization to happen. We have become more tolerant and acceptable of different cultures, and with the internet we can understand their ways better. It has also lead to business being able to blossom, indirectly allowing economy to flourish. What do you think? :)

    Have a great weekend Meg! <3

  2. Hello Su Juin!!  Thank you dear for taking time and reading my blog. I’m glad u got the message I was trying to convey. I wrote this blog from my point of view after listening to Mr.Faizal lecture in class. We no longer using Bird, Smoke, Fire to alert or send msg. Those days we have to go to the library look for text books to gather information to do reach or do our assignment. Now it’s a lot easier with the existent of E-learning, Online Library, Online Books and etc. to complete our work successfully.
    The flexibility, affordable, saves time is the major benefit to take class anywhere at any time.The digital network has broad us to a new dimension of life.
    Have fun Using MR INTERNET to complete your assignments!!!
