Friday, August 12, 2011

We are an Ingredient of the Social Network Culture

From my understanding social network simply means sharing their experience and knowledge in a trouble-free way. Technologies we have may lead and determine the life we have now. As we see an age bracket becoming more reliant on the ability to network with one another day by day
 It is FAST, RELIABLE and EFFICIENT. It helps to spread and expands knowledge, information and gives orders worldwide. Therefore I strongly disagree with Manuel that we live in a network society because it is a vehicle for information coming from all around the world.
These days everyone belongs to a social network. Every one of us does something to feel belong. Social networking is everywhere. People spend more than an hour a day posting pictures, messaging, tweeting through their phone, Lap top and so on just to feel belong in the society.
Social networking is prepared so that even those who least knowledge on how to use the media can enjoy online socializing by sharing their experience and things going on their live daily. It expands your friend’s circle which might help you to interact with them from any part of the world you are. You can shed light on all your doubts with your friends/lecturers/ and can even lend your hands from charity or social works.
Manuel Castell mention in his journal that civil society is reconstructed at the local and global level through networks of activists often organized and debated over the internet, which form and reconfigure depending on issues, on events, on moods, on cultures.
The reason why activists uses the internet to spread news because keeps one up to date, uses the uncensored nature of the internet to bypass state controlled news media. These the only way the activists can reach the mass without an influence of the government.
For instance, the office phone system with extensions can be measured a network. With such a system, if an employee has a query, rather than shouting it down the hall or leaving their workstation and walking over to the other employee. Rather, they merely pick up the phone and ask.
In conclusion I would say that people could work smarter if people were connected better. And we are an ingredient in social networking.
Advantages of Social Networking from my understanding
v  Networking can develop your career prospects
        Example: One can expand acquaintance and having all these contacts organized and can make network    maintenance less time-consuming.
v  Improves the flow of communication
Example: It increases the course of communication between students and tutors which helps to improve both relationship and education.
v  Contribute to various point of analysis
          Example: If a student does not understand on something, he or she can post it on the blog or facebook for feedbacks. This can help one to look at things from different angles and gives a better understanding.
Have great weekend Folks!!! Cheers... ;)


  1. Good comments.

    Here's a question. You mentioned that a "social network simply means sharing their experience and knowledge in a trouble-free way" (a good way to put it) and it is currently "fast, reliable and efficient". My question: Is there a way to make it even more trouble free and faster and more efficient than it is today?

  2. Hi Mr Faizal. It is a good question sir. Thanks to the progression of technology and in my opinion, currently INTERNET is the most practical approach to social life, especially in making contacts with other people across the globe today!!
    Thanks for the feedback.

  3. Hey Meg, once again, a great post! :)

    I feel we have become such a big part of social networking that we it has become who we are and gave birth to a whole new era and age. You said "In conclusion I would say that people could work smarter if people were connected better. And we are an ingredient in social networking." I agree! That is a good point. For one, there is no reason for us to be limited and constrained in the world today. We can easily access the internet and obtain information from the world we live in today (TV, Newspaper, etc). For us to be better we just constantly be updated and go and learn all this skills not only for making ourselves more employable, but as a better ingredient of social networking. When we keep working, the digital world will be bigger and better, and I can't imagine! Imagine the benefits our future generations can enjoy :)
